Research Scholars

Former Research Scholars

I was awarded a MSc in Theoretical Physics Cum Laude on September 2003 ("Laurea", Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy), and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics in February 2008 (same institution). Moreover, in 2012 I was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship as part of the EU-funded project “INdAM Fellowships in Mathematics and/or Applications for Experienced Researchers”. I am currently Research Associate Professor at the SUSTech University at Shenzhen. My research activity is focused on theoretical physics, and during my career I have been working on very different subjects, from general relativity to Bose-Einstein’s condensates. At SUSTech, I am collaborating with Prof. Leonardo Modesto on the study of nonlocal quantum fields and their applications to the quantum gravity problem.