It is a pleasure to announce the Special Issue “Gravity, black holes and
cosmology XXI”. Since its first applications in the XX century, and the
crowning with the formulation of the Standard Model of electroweak and
strong interactions, quantum field theory has evolved, both in meaning
and intention. Its perturbative and nonperturbative incarnations have
been playing an undisputed role in modern theoretical physics, not only
in the refinement of the Standard Model and of its supersymmetric
extensions, but also in the quest for a quantum theory of gravitation,
carried on in the programs of string theory, supergravity, and many
other quantum gravities (nonlocal quantum gravity, asymptotic safety,
group field theory, and so on), and in our understanding of
astrophysical and cosmological processes, ranging from the Big Bang to
stellar evolution, and from the cosmological constant to gravitational
This Special Issue aims to recapitulate part of these achievements and
offer a perspective on near- and far-future applications of quantum
field theory and gravity in the present century, including nonlocal
quantum gravity, general gravitational theories beyond Einstein's
gravity, black holes at the classical and quantum level, cosmology, and
observational tests. It also serves as the proceedings of the conference.
All invited speakers and contributors are welcome to submit a paper
based on their talk in the Special Issue "Gravity, black holes and
cosmology XXI" in the journal Universe:
There is no length limit for plenary speakers, while contributions from
parallel talks will be limited to 5 pages plus references. All papers
will be published FREE OF CHARGE. The deadline for submission is June
30, 2018. All papers in this special issue will be published *free of
Important: the best submitted paper will be selected for a prize of 300CHF.